Fostering the data-design community
I'm an award-winning information designer, passionate about visualizing data for organizations, brands, and agencies. I have a decade of experience creating compelling visualizations for creative studios like Information is Beautiful, Signal Noise, and Beyond Words. I currently work as an independent designer from my studio in Amsterdam.
Something I love about data visualisation is being part of its vibrant and passionate community. Over the years I've gotten involved in numerous initiatives that allowed me to contribute and foster this community by creating platforms to debate ideas in this exciting field of design. Here's some of the ways I'm keeping busy, aside from my design practice:
My design process
At the core of each data design project, there's a need to communicate clearly and effectively a message. This is why the foundation of my process is a simple road map that takes me and my team through a journey, from concepts to the finished outcome.
The first step of this journey is translated into a discovery phase, where concepts and ideas are shared in rough forms, to identify potential routes for visualizing the data. Once feedback is collected ideas are refined into more schematic prototypes and then turned into designs, whether for an interactive platform, print, or other formats.

Teaching how to design with data
I regularly run workshops for businesses, organisations and universities, to explore the fundamentals of data visualization and share ways to improve your presentation skills using data visualisation techniques. I have been teaching at Ravensbourne College and LCC (UK), as well as ArtEZ University of the Arts (Netherlands). Do get in touch if you'd like to discuss a training session within your organisation.

Curating a dataviz mag
Since 2017 I co-direct a printed magazine about data visualization, called Market Cafe Magazine, featuring projects and interviews by other fantastic fellow designers. The magazine has become a staple in the dataviz community and it's an invaluable way for me to have conversations with other practitioners, stay in touch with the community, and offer a platform for others to talk about their work in this field.

Some of the clients I have worked with
Features and Awards
Magculture, online magazine
LUISS Guido Carli, italian university
Gold Award at Kantar Information is Beautiful Award
Novum World of Graphic Design magazine, Germany
Dataviz Today Podcast
Corriere Della Sera, Italian newspaper
123 Data Exhibition, EDF Foundation, Paris
Frizzifrizzi, online magazine
London College of Communication, UK university
Data Walking, David Hunter, Ravensbourne University
Shorthand Awards, Courageous Newcomer category
The Book of Circles, by Manuel Lima Princeton Architectural Press
Frizzifrizzi, online magazine
Neon Moiré, online magazine
Italianism, online magazine
Osso Magazine, online magazine
Ravensbourne College, London, UK university
Knowledge Is Beautiful, David McCandless, Harper Design
Information is Beautiful (New Edition), David McCandless, Harper Design
Designing Diagrams, BIS Publishers
Data Flow 2, Gestalten
Visual Complexity, online magazine
Silver Award, Adobe YouGC
Lectures and Workshops
Outlier Conference 2022
2020Datafest Tbilisi online, Georgia
MESH Festival, Sweden (online)
Ravensbourne College, London, UK (online)
Encode, Oval Space, London, UK
Datafest Tbilisi, Georgia
EDCH, Munich, Germany
London College of Communication, London, UK
Ravensbourne College, London, UK
Torino Graphic Days, Turin, Italy
Datavis Brighton, The Skiff, Brighton, UK
Fjord, London, UK
Visualizing Data, HereEast, London, UK
Datarave Club no. 3, Unit 5, London, UK
Data4Change workshop, Kampala, Uganda
Ravensbourne College, London, UK
SPIN Unit, Tampere University Technology, Tampere
RED Gallery London, Market Cafe Magazine Issue One launch party
Visualized 2017, Milan, Italy
Hacks Hackers, Nairobi, Kenya
Datarave Club no. 2, White Building, London, UK
Data4Change, Beirut, Lebanon
EU Commission, Learning & Development DG, Brussels, Belgium
Datarave Club no. 1, Truman Brewery, London, UK
Hyper Island, Stockholm, Sweden
Want to know more about my resume? Browse my Linkedin CV